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Voice Tracker™ III Array Microphone for Voice Control and Home Automation

Voice Tracker™ III Array Microphone for Voice Control and Home Automation

The Voice Tracker™ Array Microphone is so sensitive, and its the sound quality is so good, that it provides headset/handheld mic accuracy at ranges of many feet, enabling voice control for home automation, assisted care, robotics, etc.

The Voice Tracker™ Array Microphone locates a talker and electronically steers a “listening beam,” like an acoustic searchlight, in that direction. This creates spatial filtering; sounds and reverberation from other parts of the room are not picked up.

In addition, digital noise reduction processing removes background noise. This two-stage noise reduction, coupled with the sensitivity of eight “always on” microphone elements, gives the Voice Tracker™ outstanding range and sound quality making it ideal for home automation.

A typical application for Voice Control is assisted care. People with physical handicaps or otherwise reduced physical abilities can now control their habitat by voice!

The Voice Tracker™ array microphone has been tested and certified by the following Home automation software vendors: HomeSeer, Home Automated Living, One Voice Technologies

Smart Meeting Room | Auditorium | Ballroom | Seminar | Café | Resto | Hotel | Classroom | Worship | Conference

Call us For inquire and demo in Indonesia +6221-29376145.

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